Your Dedicated Virtual Office number is usually configured so calls can be forwarded or answered at your nominated business number, mobile phone or home phone number.
Our IVR system integrates with our DEDICATED VIRTUAL OFFICE NUMBER (provided by us) to give you a professional greeting and menu for automated reception and call forwarding.
A short and well setup computerized IVR menu system will actually reduce the time taken to be connected to an appropriate person for the caller’s needs.
Businesses are utilizing IVR phone answering solutions to sound more professional and to reduce the cost of simple, repetitive call transfer tasks.
We can configure your DEDICATED VIRTUAL OFFICE NUMBER to route (redirect) to our IVR system where callers can be forwarded to your appropriate staff member/s or destination number/s.
Callers to your DEDICATED VIRTUAL OFFICE NUMBER hear your customized, recorded business greeting.
No more busy tone, no more lost calls, personalized voice response, intelligent call answering & forwarding, increase professionalism, handle & manage high calls volume, reduce operational costs, get your costumer satisfied
We all know that lovely voice auto-response “Press 1 for Sales, Press 2 for reception”, but many business owners and managers don’t know the important value that this service can add to the image of their companies.
Qatar Operator (IVR) solution enables you to take your phone system to boost the expertise and professionalism into your organizations, it allows you to: